My idea is not to confuse you with your own identity, but just to mention the fact that identity works only in relation. If you are all by your own, then what is your identity to you? Well you wouldn't go all blank on that. There are so many things that remind you of who you are; little things that have happened and the way you've perceived them. So in a way what matters is how you interpret things through your own mind, how you see through your own eyes and how you experience the world through your own consciousness.
NOW THE OBVIOUS QUESTION that you would ask would be:
What has this to do with design? or What has design to do with this?
Design is becoming more and more personal so that it can touch people at a personal level. And at places where individual taste cannot be satisfied completely, the interest of the community or Target Group (if you are a corporate businessman) is taken care of.
Now let's connect this all to make some sense. What we discussed was:
- Identity exists because of some relation.
- Design aims at connecting with you at a personal level.
- As a designer we are interested in the design process.
- As a user we are interested in the design solution and not so much in the process.
- Branding creates loyalty
- People strongly identify themselves with brands
- There is a brand preference among users for a certain product or service
- Branding helps in choosing
- Branding results in advertising
Let me explain what this would mean:
- Personalization and customization of products to a greater level
- Services that would be user centric
- Generally every consumer would be treated as a prosumer (pro-consumer) i.e. a person who has good knowledge of the product he buys.
And this is everywhere - from shoes to computers to cars.
So to brief it all, I strongly feel that this is the direction design and business is headed to and this only creates more opportunities for designers to break clichés and create something new, something worth YOUR attention!
Comments invited.